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Are you a registered student organization interested in tabling on Upper Sproul in order to promote and market your group?

You’ve come to the right place- Cub-E!

Cub-E Logo

Announcement: For the first two weeks of the Spring semester, Cub-E will implement a lottery reservation system form for tabling on Upper Sproul, Dwinelle and Wheeler Plazas (Dwinelle, Wheeler will ONLY be during the lottery period). From 1/21/25-1/31/25, we will have a randomized lottery, and 50 student groups will be selected to table on each day. For these dates, the selected winners of each day will have guaranteed tabling spots and Cub-E equipment. Winners need to check in between 8 am to 10 am. After 10 am, the remaining equipment will be available for any student organization (lottery winners and non-winners) to check out on a first-come, first-serve basis. Student organizations who have their equipment can table after checking in with Cub-E to retrieve a daily tabling permit.


Cub-E is located on Upper Sproul behind the Golden Bear Café. Look for the Cub-E canopy tent.

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*Lottery system 8am-5pm Monday-Friday. (First 2 weeks of fall and spring semesters)

Cub-E is open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday.

Cub-E will be closed during spring break, RRR week and finals week. 

Terms & Conditions

  1. Cub-E equipment is available on a first come first serve basis Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.
  2. Only Registered Student groups can table on Upper Sproul. All groups who are tabling on Sproul must have a daily permit for the entire duration of their tabling. If a student group continues to table without a permit after 1 warning, they will be earning a strike.
  3. No tabling on the red bricks or blocking any pathways or entrances. Groups will be asked to move and if they do not move or have to be asked several times then they will risk being blocked from Cub-E.
  4. A fee of $100 per table and $50 per chair will be invoiced to your group for any missing or damaged equipment. Until the fee is paid, the group will be blocked from entering the Cub-E Lottery System for the following semester.
  5. Cub-E equipment may not be left unattended.  If your organization is unable to staff your table for a window of time, they are expected to return all equipment to Cub-E staff.  Once equipment is returned to staff, it will be available for checkout by any organization on stand-by.
  6. All equipment must be returned to Cub-E by 5pm. Groups will be contacted if they do not return equipment in on time and will have until 5:30pm to return. If equipment is not returned by 5:30pm, the equipment will be due the following day once Cub-E opens. The student org will be at risk of being blocked from the lottery system or being charged the missing equipment fees.
  7. There is a 3 strike system for turning in equipment late to Cub-E. Once a group returns equipment late 3 different times, they will be blocked from tabling for (1) week. The “Cub-E Infraction Types and Processes” spreadsheet is linked here.
  8. Amplified sound is only approved from 12pm-1pm and 5pm-7pm daily.

*No tabling on the red brinks and no blocking any entrances or pathways.

Lottery System (first 2 weeks of the semester)

During the first 2 weeks of the semester, student organizations are eager to table on Upper Sproul. The demand for tabling space and equipment far outweighs the program’s capacity. In order to make sure all types of student organizations have access to table during the first 2 weeks of the semester, we use a lottery system to determine who can table and when. If folks do not show up for their reservation, at 10am their spots are given away on a first come first serve basis. Details on how to sign-up for the lottery system will be released before the start of the new semester. 

How it works

In order to ensure all student groups have an equal chance to table at the beginning of each semester, Cub-E functions on a lottery system.

For the first (2) weeks of the fall and spring semesters, student groups will be picked at random to be able to table and will be informed via email if chosen. During the lottery, equipment will also be available on a first come first serve basis after 10am daily.

All equipment is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. See you on Upper Sproul!

Terms & Conditions During Lottery System

For the first (2) weeks of the fall and spring semester tabling on Upper Sproul, Dwinelle and Wheeler is limited. Spots will be allocated by the Cub-E staff via a randomized selection process. By entering, you agree to adhere to the following policies:

  1. All student groups who are tabling must check in at the Cub-E tent (left to the Golden Bear Cafe) and receive a tabling permit. Permits are valid for 1 day.
  2. Cub-E Tabling is only permitted on Upper Sproul, Dwinelle and Wheeler Plazas for the first 2 weeks of each semester (during lottery system) and ONLY on Upper Sproul for the remainder of the semester. Those who attempt to table in other locations will be asked to remove their equipment, and may have their organization’s entry in the randomized reservation process removed.
  3. Tabling on the red bricks or blocking any pathways or entrances is prohibited. Groups who violate this policy will be asked to move and risk being blocked from using Cub-E during the remainder of the semester.
  4. Amplified Sound is only allowed 12pm- 1pm or 5pm- 7pm. Please reach out to your OASIS Advisor or Event Services if you need more information on the approval process for outside of these hours.
  5. Lottery winners must pick up their permit and/or equipment from the Cub-E tent between 8am – 10am. Failure to show up during this window without prior communication to Cub-E staff will result in a forfeiture of your reservation of equipment.
  6. If you are not one of the (50) selected to table on any given day, you may be able to table if there are available spots after initial check-out occurs. After 10am, any available spots and equipment can be reserved on a first come-first serve basis.
  7. Cub-E equipment may not be left unattended. If your organization is unable to staff your table for a window of time, they are expected to return all equipment to Cub-E staff. Once equipment is returned to staff, it will be available for checkout by any organization on stand-by.
  8. Once a student organization checks out any equipment from Cub-E, the equipment falls under the student organization ’s responsibility for the duration of their check-out. A fee of $100 per table and $50 per chair will be invoiced to your group for any missing or damaged equipment. Until the fee is paid, the group will be blocked from tabling for the rest of the semester and possibly from entering the Cub-E Lottery System for the following semester.
  9. There is a 3 strike system for Cub-E. Once a group receives 3 strikes, they will be blocked from tabling for the remainder of the semester. Please see below for a more detailed explanation regarding the different strike types and the number of strikes that can be earned with each type.
  10. All equipment must be returned to Cub-E by 5pm. Groups will be contacted if they do not return equipment in on time and will have until 5:15pm to return. If equipment is not returned by 5:30pm, then the equipment will be due the following day once Cub-E opens. Depending on when the equipment is returned, the student org will be at risk of being blocked from the lottery system or being charged the missing equipment fees. 
  11. Amplified sound is only approved from 12pm-1pm and 5pm-7pm daily.

After Hour Rentals

Cub-E tables and chairs are available to rent after hours to student organizations based on availability.

Pick up after 5pm and return the following day by 9am. Please note, if equipment is not returned by 9am the following business day, the student group will be blocked for one month from checking out equipment.

Monday-Friday & Weekends

Reservations are required at least (2) weeks in advance

Spring 2025 After-Hour Reservation Requests can be submitted now through the form below.

After Hours Rental Form

Building that Cub-E is located in

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