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CalLink FAQs

What is CalLink?

CalLink is the online central hub for Registered Student Organizations at UC Berkeley. Students utilize CalLink to help with a variety of functions of their organization, from managing purchase requests to getting After Hours Access to Eshleman.

What category is my organization under and how do I find out who my Organization Advising & Student Involvement Services (OASIS) advisor is?

Quick Steps: 

Organization Profile> At top Displays Organization Profile> Advisor Name Listed 


Go to your organization’s home page and click on Profile at the left side of the page. You will be brought to a new page. 

  1. At the top of the profile page it will say your organization’s name with your organization’s profile picture next to it and here you will find both your the category your group belongs to and who advises it.
  2. The first thing displayed under your organization is the category your group belongs to followed by your advisor.
  3. Find out how to reach them by visiting our Meet the Staff page or by reaching out to OASIS at (510) 642-5171 or at

How do I use the messaging tools on CalLink to message individual members or all members of my organization?

Quick Steps: 

Organization Profile> Choose “Messaging” under “Roster Menu”> Select “Create Relay”> Click Generate> Create Message and Send 


  1. Navigate to your organization and click on the sidebar menu. Once this propagates, click on Roster.
  2. Select Messaging under the Roster menu
  3. Select Create Relay
  4. Use the filters to define the group of users that you would like to send your message to
  5. Enter a title for your relay (i.e. weekly newsletter, event invitation, etc…)
  6. Click Generate

A new screen called the Relay Details page will appear

      7. Click the Temporary Relay Address and your default email application will open

       8. Create your message and send it

Use this handy checklist to maximize your RSO’s CalLink page.

Below is a breakdown of the different resources available within your RSO’s CalLink page.

To access these features, you will need to be a member of the organization. Start by clicking into your organization, which can be found under Memberships at the bottom of the Home page of CalLink. Then, you will need to click the “Manage Organization” button, located in the upper right. From there, select the 3 lines icon on the top left hand corner to access the features explained below. 

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CalLink Rosters should be updated every semester to reflect new members joining, as well as the leaving of graduating members. This is very important as all RSOs are required to have at least 4 signatories on their roster at all times, or else their RSO status will be jeopardized.

If you anticipate listing the RSOs you are a part of in graduate school applications or resume for a job or internship, it is important to add yourself onto Rosters for RSOs you are a part of, since we use the Rosters as verification of participation in your organizations.

To make changes to the CalLink Roster, you must first be assigned a CalLink Roster Position with Roster access privileges. For example, the Primary Contact, Signatory, ASUC/GA Agent, or an organization created position that has the Roster access privileges. 

Roster FAQs

How do I get added onto a Roster?

  1. Look up the name of the RSO and click their page.
  2. Click the blue “Join” button in the top right hand corner of the page. The primary contact will approve your status, so if you still are not listed as a member of their RSO on CalLink, you can reach out to the primary contact.

How do I remove myself or someone else off of a Roster?

You can end your own membership of the RSO by going to your RSOs Roster and clicking the “END MEMBERSHIP” button on the top left hand side with the Trash Can Icon. See below how to remove someone else from a Roster.

Quick Steps: 

Click “Roster> Check Box of member you wish to remove> Click “End Membership”> Confirm 


  1. Navigate to your Roster by clicking the sidebar to the left and selecting Roster. See: How do I access the roster?
  2. Locate the member you’d like to remove.
  3. Check the box on the far left of the member’s name.
  4. Click “End Membership” at the top of that .
  5. Confirm deletion.

** This will remove the user from your organization completely. To remove a user from holding a position, access the pencil icon to the far right of the user. **

How do I invite people to the Roster?

Quick Steps:

Go to Roster Menu > Click Manage Roster> Choose “Invite People”> Enter Berkeley Email Address of Recipient> Select “Member”> Click “Send Invitations”


From the Roster menu option on your organization’s page:

  1. Click the “Invite People” link in the on the right side of the page.
  2. Enter the Berkeley e-mail addresses you’d like to send membership invitations to. Please start a new line for each e-mail address; you are able to do multiple at once.
  3. As you select people and add e-mail addresses, they will be moved below the bed module to the complete list of people to be sent invitations.
  4. Select “Member” from the drop down menu.
  5. Click “Send Invitations” when all people have been added to this list.

How do I manage organization members’ positions?

From the Roster menu option on your organization’s page:

To assign new positions to current members:

Quick Steps: 

Click the pencil Icon to the right of the member> Check the box of the position> Click “Save”


  1. Access the Roster.
  2. Click on the pencil icon to the right of the member’s name.
  3. Check off the box(es) for the position(s) you would like assigned to the member. **Again, this cannot be used to assign Signatories or Agents, as this can only be done through OASIS or Student Union Finance.**
  4. Click “Save.”

To create new positions for current members:

Quick Steps: 

Click “Manage Positions”> Click “+ Position”> Click “Create”


  1. Click on “Manage Positions” at the top right of the Roster page.
  2. Click on “+ Position” at the top left corner.
  3. Type in a Position Name and fill out the Access Management as desired. **This position is unique to ONLY your organization. You may NOT assign Signatories or Agents this way. If you wish to assign a Signatory or Agent, please reach out to OASIS at**
  4. Click “Create”.

How do I approve prospective members?

Quick Steps: 

Go to Organization Page> Click on Roster> Click on “Prospective”> Click “Approve” next to the new member’s name


From the Roster page of your organization’s CalLink:

  1. Click on “Prospective.”
  2. Find the name for the new member you’d like to add.
  3. Click Approve next to the member’s name.

How do I remove myself from a Roster or change my notification settings so I am not receiving CalLink emails?

Quick Steps: 

  • If you wish to remain a member of a group’s roster, but no longer receive CalLink messages:  
      1. Login and Click on your own Profile button at the upper right and click on it to propagate a sidebar.
        1. Click on “Account” under your name in the top right corner.
        2. Choose “Notifications.”
        3. You can choose to receive None, Organization Only, or Campus and Organization. 
        4. Note there are other advanced settings at this page
  • If you wish to remain a member of a group’s roster, but leave the rosters of other organizations, or simply remove yourself from all Callink roster memberships at this time:
    1. Login and Click on your own Profile button at the upper right to propagate the sidebar.
      1. Choose “Memberships”
      2. Select Current Memberships
      3. Leave Organization(s) [Your membership in this organization’s roster remains archived for future reference] 

If you no longer have CalNet Authentication and cannot login to CalLink at this time, please email and request your memberships be archived by our staff.

Position Descriptions

Positions that students can change

General Members

These students will have a blank section under their Roster positions. Explanations of how to be added onto an RSO’s roster can be seen above.

General Members do not have access to see the others (Finance, Roster, Documents, etc listed on this page.

President/Lead Organizer

OASIS does not designate this status to the person who is in charge of an RSO. It is up to whoever takes charge of their RSO to change their own status on the CalLink Roster to reflect the transition of leadership positions.

Multiple members can be listed as President/Lead Organizer. If your RSO has a big exec board with multiple leadership positions, see the “How do I add additional leadership positions?” on how to include your RSO’s various positions on your CalLink Roster.

Note: Just because you are listed as the President/Lead Organizer does not mean you are able to make class room reservations for your RSO. You must be a signatory to have access to 25live and make a reservation. However, most President/Lead Organizers are signatories, given the nature of being a signatory. See the Signatory for more information.

Primary Contact

During registration, the individual filling out the Registration Form gets updated to be listed as the Primary Contact. However, any Roster member who has a leadership position assigned to them that includes roster management privileges can change their RSO’s Primary Contact at any time.

It is very important to have a responsible person for this position as they will be the first one to get updated from OASIS about things like registration, updates about RSO logistics and policies, and new resources available. They will also be notified about new students trying to be added onto the Roster as well as students requesting information about the organization.

To edit the Primary Contact:

  1. Access the roster.
  2. Click on the small pencil in the upper right of the Primary Contact box on the left of the page
  3. Select any other member that is on the roster

Financial Requestor – 1st Stage

Your RSO must be ASUC sponsored for this position designation to be important. A Financial Requestor has access to your org’s finances and can create a Purchase Request on your organization’s CalLink Finance Section, which puts the Purchase Request at Stage 1.

They can only create a Purchase Request.  They cannot Stage 2 (approve) a purchase request. A Stage 2 Agent User would have to approve it. You can go through your CalLink Roster to see who is designated to do so.

In order to become a Financial Requestor, any Agent, Signatory, or member with a leadership position that has Roster management privileges within your organization would just designate the position to you on the Roster.

How do I add additional leadership positions?

Any member with Roster management privileges can add additional leadership positions to the CalLink Roster. Many RSOs have large leadership boards and the “President/Lead Organizer” title may not work with every position. Examples of created position titles include Social Media Chair, External/Internal Vice President, etc.

If you are anticipate listing the RSOs you are a part of in graduate school applications or resume for a job or internship, it is important to add yourself onto Rosters for RSOs you are a part of and list the positions you hold, since we use the Rosters as verification of participation in your organizations.

To create New Positions:

  1. Go to Roster on CalLink
  2. Click the blue “Manage Positions” button on the top right corner of the page.
  3. Click the blue “+ Position” button on the top left hand corner.
  4. Create the new position. This involves naming the position and selecting position type and Roster management access.

Note: Asides from possible Roster management access, these created positions do not have additional access or abilities.

Positions that students will be designated


Signatories are the authorized representatives for an RSO. Every RSO is required to have a minimum of 4 signatories (maximum of 8). Signatories must complete the Signatory Terms & Conditions every academic year. (Signatory status from previous academic years does not transfer. People who have filled out the signatory form in Fall will continue to have signatory status for Spring.) The Signatory Terms & Conditions outlines signatory responsibilities and university policies to which signatories and RSOs are held accountable. Signatory status does not transfer from previous academic years so that we may ensure that current signatories are aware of current and updated policies and procedures.

You must be listed as a signatory on your CalLink roster in order to make room reservations  on 25live, so if you have issues with making reservations, please check your roster to see if you are first listed as a signatory. If you are not listed on the Roster, but you know you have turned in the Signatory Certification Form and it has been more than 5 business days, you can email us at so we can help.

If you are a current signatory for an RSO and want to be added as a signatory for another RSO, please email with name, email, and organization name so that the staff can update your status.

Attended Signatory Orientation

You will not be given this status unless you are a listed as a signatory on the roster. Two signatories from each organization must attend an in-person orientation. Signatory Orientations are 2 hours in length and include information about university policies & procedures, RSO resources such as funding and space, as well as information related to the health and well being of student leaders and members. Signatory Orientation dates and locations will be updated on

Credit for attending a prior academic year Signatory Orientation does not transfer to the current year as content is updated each academic year (Ex: Credit from attending an orientation in fall 2022 will transfer to spring 2023). Signatories must attend the entire orientation in order to receive credit for attending. Please bring your Cal1 ID card for attendance verification.

ASUC/GA Agent User, Stage 2

Your RSO must be ASUC sponsored for this position designation to be important. Agents are very important, because they are the only ones who can approve Stage 2 or approve a Purchase Request. Approval of a Purchase Request would involve confirming where the payment is being sent,  payment amount, account being debited, and all the proper documentation is correct.

The Agent training must be completed once per fiscal year in order to be granted ASUC/GA Agent status on a RSO CalLink roster. Certifications expire June 30 each year no matter at what time the training was completed the year before. Please reach out to with any questions about the certificaiton or for support in being added to as an agent to a CalLink page after completing the training.

Allow After Hours Access

Your RSO must be ASUC sponsored for this position designation to be important. Students who are a part of ASUC-Sponsored RSOs that have been assigned a space in MLK, ESH, and/or the Hearst Gym Cages or who are a part of Performing Arts RSOs who may need after-hours access to the Practice and Performance Spaces can apply for After Hours Access.  Please review the process before submitting your ASUC Student Union After-Hours Access Request. 

If you have space related concerns or questions about approval of your CalLink form, please contact the ASUC Admin Office at​ If you have questions about the status of your request after it has been approved by the ASUC Admin Office, please contact SUFMO at and include the words “Access Request” in the subject.


This includes all of the finance information that your RSO needs to be financially successful. RSOs can choose to have their finances handled by the Student Union Finance Office, which is located at 432A Eshleman Hall, which require ASUC Sponsorship. If an RSO is sponsored by the ASUC, the finance tab is only visible to Financial Requestors, Agents, or other leadership members listed on your roster. See above how to get access to the finance tab.

Check out the CalLink Finance Training for an overview of finances. Additional information is available on the Fund Your Org page, the Manage Your Money page, and the Manage Your Org page or reach out to OASIS.

See the Most Common CalLink PR Issues and How to Resolve Them to walk through common purchase request issues and how to solve them.


This section includes basic information about the RSO mission and goals. You can also check to see who your OASIS Advisor is at the bottom of this.

  • As a student interested in new orgs, this is a good way to find out about more RSOs.
  • From an RSO perspective, you should update this section every semester during registration if anything has changed to you organization’s purpose, if your logo has changed, etc.


Posting your event on CalLink is free, easy, and reaches thousands of users across campus. 

How do I create an event?

** Only primary contacts and officers of an organization can create events. **

Quick Steps:

Log in to CalLink > Navigate to Org’s CalLink page > Choose “Events” > Choose “Create Event” > Enter Event Details > Upload Flyer > Review Event Policies > Save 


  1. Log in to CalLink and go to your organization’s page.
  2. Go to Events on the left side by opening up the sidebar. 
  3. Click on “Create Event” in the top right corner of the Events page. 
  4. Enter the Name, Location, Start Time, and End Time. These fields are required.
  5. Indicate if you’d like to include a Google map to the location of the event.
  6. Indicate if you’d like to include a link to the weather for the location of the event.
  7. Enter a brief description of the event.
  8. Attach a flyer to associate with your event. Supported files include image files (jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, gif, png, bmp), office files (xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, doc, docx, pub, rtf), and html, htm, mht and pdf. Files must be smaller than 4MB.

** If your event does not have a flyer, it will not appear on the Event Flyerboard on the main site. **

  1. Specify the type of event:
    • Campus Only: Only visible to logged in users in CalLink.
    • Invitation Only: Only visible to those who were invited to the event.
    • Organization Only: Only visible to the members of the organization associated with the event.
    • Public: Visible to everyone.
  1. Select the appropriate Category from the drop-down menu, if applicable.
  2. Specify who can RSVP for the event:
    • None: No one can RSVP to the event.
    • Open: Anyone can RSVP to the event.
    • Invite: Only those invited to the event can RSVP.
  1. Indicate if anyone is allowed to self-report attendance to this event.
  2. Include any additional information that may be required.
  3. Click “Save”.

**After choosing “Save” the event will be immediately visible in the Events feature of CalLink. There is no campus admin approval required, but if a submitted event does not meet with campus guidelines, it is subject to removal from CalLink site. Events posted to the community must abide by the following criteria:

  • Event must be on-campus
  • Event publicity must include the official name of a Registered Student Organization or ASUC Government Office/Program which will be responsible for the event
  • Event must be in compliance with all UC Berkeley campus Policies
  • OASIS reserves the right to remove event listings at any time that may not appear to be in compliance with this criteria.

** You can review your event and its status under My Involvement > My Submissions > Events.


  1. Identify who you’d like to invite to the event: by username or e-mail address.
  2. Click on each User to invite, and they will be listed below.
  3. Type in the e-mail addresses of each person you’d like to invite. Click “Add E-mail Address”.
  4. Click “Send Invitations”.


If an RSO has any news articles that they want to highlight, that can be done here.

How do I use the News Article feature?

  1. Go to your organization’s sidebar.
  2. Go to “News” in the left navigation.
  3. Click on “Create Article”.
  4. Enter the Title, Summary, and the full Story (text) of the article. You can use the text editing features to customize the style of the Story of your article.
  5. Upload an image to be displayed with the Summary in the News ticker.
  6. Specify who can view the article.
  7. Click “Save Article”. Your article will automatically post to your organization’s wall 


If you want to include any pictures from your RSO such as a picture from an event you put on, performances, or even just to help students get a better feel of your organization, you can put them in this section!

How do I use the Gallery feature?

Quick Steps:

Go to Organization page> Click on the Gallery > Choose “Create Album”>Add name of album> Add photos 


Here you can upload photos and create albums for your organization.

  1. First click on the gallery on the left side of your organization’s home page.
  2. Click on Create Album
  3. Add a name for what you would like the album to be called and you can also add a description. Then click create album. 
  4. Here you can add photos, to do so click add photos. You also have the option to edit the album and here you can change the name and who can see the album.


An RSO’s Constitution can be found under the Documents section. Any amendments to the Constitution must be sent to OASIS at before it can be updated on the RSOs CalLink page.

How do I use the Documents feature?

  1. Click on the Document from the Org’s home page
  2. Click on Upload
  3. Click on Choose File, to upload any file and add the document title/description
  4. Choose document type
  5. Click Submit Request and your documents will be approved and uploaded


If your RSO has any Forms commonly used, such as permission slips and medical forms for minors to liability forms for your members to fill out, this is a good central location for members to be able to find them. You can create forms by clicking the blue button located on the top right hand corner.

How do I use the Forms feature?

  1. Click on Forms from your organization’s sidebar, then Manage Forms.
  2. Add the name, the amount of time the forms will be available, and who can submit these forms.
  3. Click on Save.


RSOs are able to have elections for their organizations any way they deem fit. They can also take advantage of the Elections aspect of CalLink by creating an Election by clicking the blue button on the top right hand corner. Students can customize the Election Form to pertain to their RSO’s needs.

How do I create an Organization Election?

  1. Go to your organization sidebar.
  1. Click on Elections on the left side of the page.
  2. Click the “Create Election” button.
  3. Identify the Name of the election, if it should include instructions, and any additional instructions that should be included.
  4. Indicate if the election should be active and the date range you’d like the election to be available during.

** Once the election is set to Active and it falls within the date range, a prompt will display on the main page of your community or organization-specific site for eligible users to vote. **

  1. Indicate if the election is for Members Only.
  2. Click “Save”.

You can create as many ballots as needed. Each ballot can be accessible to the general user population or any number of the eligibility lists. A user will see each ballot they are designated to see.

  1. Click “Create Ballot”.
  2. Enter the name of the ballot.
  3. Indicate if this ballot should be available to all users by clicking on Enable or Disable.

IF you Disable the General access, THEN:

  1. Indicate for each Eligibility List who should access this ballot:
    • Allow: allows the users on the list can access the ballot 
    • Deny: users cannot access the ballot and supersedes an allow list 
    • Ignore: the list will not be used for the ballot

**Only your site administrators have access to create an eligibility list with a selected list of users who can vote in your election. You must reach out to your site administrator if you would like an eligibility list created for your organization election.  

  1. Click “Save” when all access has been identified.